This year we see two of our sub-committee Chairs step down and would like to thank Jen Birch (Women’s Committee) and Dylan Hirsch (R&D Committee) for their hard work as Chairs and look forward to their continued support as they remain on the committees in 2023.
The role of Chair for the Women’s Committee has been taken up by new committee member Amanda Nixon and we look forward to seeing what she will bring to the position as planning for the Women’s Field Day is well underway!
The position for Chair of the R&D Committee is still vacant so if you’re currently on the committee, or have thought about joining the committee, and might be interested in giving it a go please speak to Chris or Danielle.
There are still vacant positions on almost all of the committees so if you have ever had an interest in joining a Liebe Group committee and helping to guide what the group works on throughout the year now is the time! Please contact Chris or Danielle if you would like to learn more about any of our committees.
We’d like to welcome all our new committee members that have joined in 2023 and can’t wait to see what fresh ideas you bring to the group!