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Lime incorporation from fertiliser

Deep, deep ripping in acid soils

Salinity Management Case Study - EM38

Salinity Management Case Study - 

Salinity Management Case Study - Barnes

Salinity Management Case Study - McAlpine

Looking after your Lupins at Harvest - Webinar Recording (14.9.22)

The Gen Y Paddock Challenge: 2021 Overview

The Gen Y Paddock Challenge: Blair Stone, Marchagee

The Gen Y Paddock Challenge: Casey Shaw, Buntine

The Gen Y Paddock Challenge: Shaun Fitzsimons, East Buntine

The Gen Y Paddock Challenge: Dylan Hirsch, Latham

The Gen Y Paddock Challenge: Todd Carter, Xantippe

The Gen Y Paddock Challenge: 2020 Overview

The Gen Y Paddock Challenge: Blair

Stone, Marchagee

The Gen Y Paddock Challenge: Brendon Manuel, Watheroo

The Gen Y Paddock Challenge: Casey
Shaw, Buntine

The Gen Y Paddock Challenge: Charles Wass, Coorow

The Gen Y Paddock Challenge: Dylan

Hirsch, Latham

Amelioration of subsoil aluminium toxicity - Liebe Group Virtual Field Walk

Optimising Crop Establishment, Density & Spacing - Liebe Group Virtual Field Walk

Managing Budworm and Diamondback

Moths - Liebe Group Webinar

Setting up for Success: How to hold an effective farm meeting

Liebe Group 20th Anniversary video

Liebe Group AgChats: Staff management and farm HR

'Adopt an acre' Liebe Women's Field Day 2016

'Healthy soils and pH equals more profit' Liebe Women's Field Day 2016

Will my soil respond to mouldboard ploughing?

Mouldboard Ploughing:

Best and Worst Case Scenarios

Soil moisture at the break of the season 2012

Practical uses for soil moisture in WA Wheatbelt

Ploughing Lime


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